


数据库管理 增长强劲 在过去十年中. 这是有道理的,因为公司已经看到了他们的 数据需求增长 在经济的各个领域, 和 database managers are needed to ensure that data is organized 和 accessible. 对于那些对技术感兴趣的人, a career in database management 和 administration can be an opportunity to pursue intellectual passions through a job in the field.

Not sure if a career in database management 和 administration is right for you?  We’re here to share some of the top trends in database management to expose you to exciting developments you might be interested in.

如今的公司和企业拥有海量的数据, 多亏了科技的进步 比如社交媒体和客户参与系统.

But if a company can’t access 和 find the right information, all that data isn’t so useful.

幸好,出现了 数据目录 has allowed companies deeper visibility into the meaning of their data by collecting, 组织和丰富元数据以支持分析.  据一位专家所说 数据库趋势与应用, “The rise of information catalogs will improve data underst和ing 和 allow adjustment, 维护, 创建, 和 governance of the most important digital assets impacting enterprises, as well as maximum visibility into the success or failure of these assets”.

Another development within database management is the use of so-called 扩展数据库 在快速变化的环境中. This is an area in which artificial intelligence 和 machine learning can be used 快速处理数据和分析含义.

与数据目录类似, 人工智能提取数据 from the Internet of Things (IOT), social media 和 customer engagement platforms. 从那里, the data is integrated with automated tools to convert raw data into insights 和 appropriate actions.

AI even has the capabilities to ensure that processes are in compliance with government regulated privacy protection laws.

现在,数据库管理器 有更多的选择 什么是最适合他们组织需要的数据库类型. 根据 DBTA, 下一代数据库,如图形数据库, 矢量化数据库, time series databases 和 streaming databases are increasingly seen as must-haves.

图形数据库, 例如, are excellent at demonstrating connections between data 和 can have supply chain implications. Vectorized databases can “deliver next-generation performance on behavioral data from sensors 和 machines,根据… 一位DBTA专家.

即便如此,传统的 关系数据库 still have a very important role in data management 和 will continue to develop in their own right.

大数据和数据库管理, 虽然对商业世界来说相对较新, 是任何公司成功的关键. 根据 《PG电子平台》杂志, experts believe that “big data 和 its implications will affect every single 业务 — from Fortune 500 enterprises to mom 和 pop companies— 和 change how we do 业务, 里里外外”.

在这个时代,每个企业都有数据. 如果他们有网站的话, 社交媒体平台或接受信用卡, 他们有能力收集客户的数据. 与, 每个公司都需要一个策略或服务来帮助他们收集数据, 分析和保护用户数据.

这就是数据库管理人员茁壮成长的地方. These select individuals advise 业务es on best data practices 和 tools to help their companies succeed.
